Ambient Mobs

Mob Name: Bandit

Habitat: Desert/Badlands

Temperament: Hostile

Traits: Likes to sneak up behind you and steal money. If you kill it, it has a high chance of dropping gold, diamonds and a mask which is vital to sandstorm survival.

Apart of the Dangerous Desert Update

Mob Name: Alligator

Habitat: Swamp

Temperament: Hostile

Traits: Just likes to float around in the water, but will happily "death roll" you if you get too close.

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks Update

Mob Name: Scorpid

Habitat: Desert/Badlands

Temperament: Hostile

Traits: Will rarely approach you unless approached. Deals a dangerous sting if unprepared.

Apart of the Dangerous Desert Update

Mob Name: American Bison

Habitat: Plains

Temperament: Neutral

Drops 4-10 Beef, 3-8 Leather, and 1-2 Horns.

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Grizzly Bear

Habitat: Forests and Taigas.

Temperament: Hostile

Drops 1-4 Bear Pelt. Can be used to craft Bearskin Rug.

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Deer

Habitat: Forests and Taigas.

Temperament: Peaceful

Drops 1-4 Raw Venison. Can be cooked into Cooked Venison.

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Elephant

Habitat: Savanna

Temperament: Neutral

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Rhino

Habitat: Savanna

Temperament: Neutral

Drops 1 Horn

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Lion

Habitat: Savanna

Temperament: Hostile

Apart of the Overworld Tweaks: Part 2 Update

Mob Name: Hammerhead Shark

Habitat: Warm Ocean

Temperament: Neutral

Apart of the Oceanic Expansion Update

Mob Name: Manta

Habitat: Warm Ocean

Temperament: Passive

Apart of the Oceanic Expansion Update

Mob Name: Swordfish

Habitat: Warm Ocean

Temperament: Neutral

Apart of the Oceanic Expansion Update

Mob Name: Nautilus

Habitat: Warm Ocean

Temperament: Passive

Apart of the Oceanic Expansion Update

Mob Name: Lionfish

Habitat: Warm Ocean

Temperament: Passive

Apart of the Oceanic Expansion Update

Last updated